The Chuck Jones Gallery

The Chuck Jones Galleries honor the legendary animator, Chuck Jones with over 300 animated films behind his name, and some of the finest artists, animation, and entertainment art in the world. He won three Oscars as director and in 1996 an honorary Oscar for Lifetime Achievement.

Known the world over for his animation creations, Chuck Jones is perhaps the most famous animation artist in the world. See the beloved characters he penned including Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, and all the other original Looney Tunes and Warner Brother’s cartoon characters.

Chuck had the privilege of working alongside many other inspiring artists throughout his life. Fostering relationships with other creators was important to him. The Galleries are thrilled to share other artists’ interpretations of Chuck’s beloved characters, along with their own original creations.

From prints and originals, the gallery is a great celebration of incredible talent and great fun for all who visit.